The garden at Pleck Farm has been designed to blend into the surrounding countryside and create spaces to experience the stunning views of the Dorset landscape.
Sun Terrace
The terrace extends into the garden, opening the house up to the beautiful views of the landscape beyond. There is ample space for entertaining across the dual level area which is surrounded by herbaceous planting against the house and terraced beds towards the kitchen. The view from the raised terrace across the lawn showcases the garden in full with the views from the steps towards the Scented Garden, the Lookout Garden and the views of the landscape beyond.The addition of a subtly lit cascading waterfall and pool within the area will be a focal point day and night. The ambient sounds of the water will not only introduce tranquility to the terrace but also help to mask any unwanted noise from the adjacent properties.
Orchard & Hazel Avenue 
The existing fruit trees have been enclosed by a group of Corylus avellana to create a nuttery reminiscent of the surrounding coppiced woodlands. The vibrant green of the new growth, the succeeding catkins and the addition of Galanthus nivalis and Hyacinthoides non-scripta under the winter structure of the bare hazel stems will ensure this part of the garden is not forgotten during the winter months. ​​​​​​​
Lookout Garden 
This area of the garden is enclosed by a dual level Fagus sylvatica hedge in order for the surrounding scenery to be enjoyed fully without obstruction as well as concealing the seating area within from the Sun Terrace above. The planting in the large bed will create interest through the seasons with Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Jelena’ for winter colour, along side various herbaceous perennials including Astrantia Major ‘Large White’ and Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae which will provide colour and charm in the warmer months. 
South Lawn 
The main lawn within the garden creates a space for the whole family to play and entertain. The design encloses the lawn with blocks of Fagus sylvatica and woodland planting with the inner planted beds providing eyecatching views across the garden through out the year. The lawn becomes a welcome space which allows for a moment of contemplation before proceeding into the garden to explore.​​​​​​​
Sunset Terrace
This terrace creates a space to relax and enjoy the late evening sunshine surrounded by fragrant botanicals that release their scent as dusk falls. Dianthus ‘Memories’ and Matthiola longipetala are planted around the terrace, with Lonicera periclymenum and Wisteria floribunda climbing up the surrounding walls creating a small haven apart from the main garden. 
Scented Garden 
All the plants featured in The Scented Garden have been chosen for their scented flowers or fragrant foliage. It has been designed within an enclosing border of Fagus Sylvatica in order to trap the scent. A walk through the garden offers the opportunity to pick herbs for the kitchen or to sit and relax amongst the heady aromas. Interest extends into the winter months with Chimonanthus praecox, Viburnum bodnantense ' Charles Lamont' and Sarcococca confusa creating welcome colour and fragrance. ​​​​​​​
Gravel Driveway 
The addition of the new gravel driveway through the large paddock field to the North creates a grand entrance to the property. It is bordered by Fagus Sylvatica and Taxus baccata hedging which gradually becomes clipped towards the house. Native trees of Betula pendula, Prunus avium, Quercus robur, Acer campestre and Sorbus aucuparia are planted within the hedging creating bosquets and along the length of the driveway. The driveway meets a gravel parking area with ample room for cars. 
The boundary planting is a mix of herbaceous perennials and shrubs with a woodland feel. The existing boundary of established trees, ferns and ivy will be extended into the garden to accentuate the feeling of blending the garden into the surrounding landscape. Cyclamen hederifolium, Anemone nemorosa ‘Robinsoniana’ and Asplenium scolopendrium will be planted amongst the new structural Fagus sylvatica hegdes to create interest all year round. The low clipped Taxus baccata and taller structural clipped Fagus sylvatica hedges throughout the garden are at varying heights of 450mm, 1500mm and 2400mm high.
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